- *"Black Skin No License"* (1999)
- *"Post-Racial America:Dreams and Realities of Race in the Obama Era"* (2011)
- *"The Death of Race:Building a New Consciousness for a Colorblind Future"* (2012)
- *"Demasking Obama:The Fight to Tell the Truth about a Radical President"* (2014)
- *"America's Black Male Crisis:A Manual on Combating Poverty, Crime and Educational Failure"* (2015)
- *"The Black and the Blue:How Racism Persists and What Must Be Done"* (2017)
- *"America and the Urban League:A Century of Empowering the Black Community"* (2018)
- *"The New Black Vote:The Rise of the Multiracial Generation"* (2020)
- *"The Next Race of Champions:The Path to Success in a Changing America"* (2021)
Skjønnlitterære bøker:
- *"Ghettoside:A True Story of Murder in America"* (2009)
- *"Hood Dreams:A Memoir"* (2006)