* The Change Champion's Field Guide:Strategies and Tools for Leading Change in Your Organization (2009)
* Winning the Change Game:Lessons from the Field on Implementing Successful Organizational Change (2007)
* The Four Lenses of Innovation:A Powerful Framework for Creating New Products and Services (2010)
* The Innovator's Toolkit:50+ teknikker for å frigjøre ditt kreative potensial (2009)
* The Art of Change Leadership:How to Create Transformation Without Tears (2012)
* Bygge tillit på arbeidsplassen:skape et miljø med gjensidig respekt og tillit (2006)
* Leadership for Dummies (2014)
* The Change Leader's Roadmap:How to Navigate Change Success in Your Organization (2016)
* The Lean Change Manager's Handbook:Implementing Change in Fast-Paced Environments (2017)
* Leading Change in a Digital Age:How to Thrive in the Era of Disruption (2020)
I tillegg til bøkene sine har Jensen også skrevet artikler for en rekke publikasjoner, inkludert Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review og Forbes. Han er også en hyppig foredragsholder på konferanser og workshops om ledelse og endringsledelse.