Arts >> Kunst >  >> Bøker >> Forfattere

Hva har forfatteren Marcos Albornoz Van Aken skrevet?


* Den svarte rosen (2004)

* Den skjulte byen (2006)

* Inkaenes hemmelighet (2008)

* The Treasure of the Templars (2010)

* The Lost Codex (2012)

* The Maya Prophecy (2014)

* Den siste hemmeligheten (2016)

* The Book of Shadows (2018)

* The Devil's Triangle (2020)


* The History of the Inca Empire (2002)

* The Mysteries of Machu Picchu (2005)

* The Secrets of the Pyramids (2007)

* The Knights Templar:A History (2009)

* The Voynich Manuscript:A Mystery Unraveled (2011)

* The Dead Sea Scrolls:A New Translation (2013)

* Judasevangeliet:En ny tolkning (2015)

* The Turin Shroud:A Scientific Investigation (2017)

* The Nazca Lines:A New Perspective (2019)


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