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Hva har forfatteren Frank Bernard Cross skrevet?


- "Hele veien til himmelen" (2006)

- "Happy Talk:The Unlikely Pleasures of Depression" (2021)

- "The Devil at Oxford:A Novel of Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll" (1999)

- "Hver mors sønn" (2003)

- "Funny Man:A Novel" (1994)

- "The Girl Who Cried:A Novel of Love and Death" (2009)

- "The God Game" (1995)

- "God kveld, herr Wallenberg:En roman om intriger og diplomati" (2010)

- "The Killing Season:A Novel" (2013)

- "Life at the Speed ​​of Light:A Novel of Love and Obsession" (2014)

- "Outcast:A Novel" (1993)

- "The Power of the Dog" (1997)

- "The Year of the Serpent:A Novel of Spionage and Deception" (2007)


- "The Call of the Wild" (2000)

- "Love and Death in the American Outback" (2002)


- "The Unbearable Lightness of Being:A Novel of Love and Death" (1984)

- "Litteraturens bruk" (1985)

- "The Art of Fiction" (1986)

- "The Future of the Roman" (1987)

- "Forfatteren og verden" (1988)


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