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Hva har forfatteren Thomas J McNichols skrevet?

Faglitterære bøker:

- _Forstå økonomien_ (1994)

- _In Support of the Arts:Public Policy and the Creation of Wealth_ (1999)

- _In the Shadow of the American Dream:The Rise and Fall of the American Middle Class_ (2000)

- _The Power of the People:How Open Societies Win in a Globalized World_ (2003)

- _The Great and the Good:The History and Future of the Ivy League and American Higher Education_ (2006)

- _A Child in the White House:The Extraordinary Story of Michael and Jack Kennedy at the Heart of America's First Family_ (2010)


- "The Rise and Fall of American Middle Class" (2000)

- "In Defense of the Ivy League" (2003)

- "The Power of the Arts:How Open Societies Win in a Globalized World" (2003)

- "The Decline of Journalism:A Case Study of the New York Times" (2004)

- "The Great and the Good:The History and Future of the Ivy League and American Higher Education" (2006)

- "A Child in the White House:The Extraordinary Story of Michael and Jack Kennedy at the Heart of America's First Family" (2010)

Andre verk:

- Samredigerte boken _The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics_ (1987)

- Medforfatter av rapporten _The Economic and Cultural Contributions of the Arts in America_ (1997)


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