- _Death Blow:The War Against Terror_ (2006)
- _En helt dør aldri_ (2014)
- _Marines Under Fire:Five Days that Saved Khe Sanh, Vietnam, 24.–28. april 1968_ (2000)
- _Soldat Dogs (2002)_
- _Løgnene deres kommandanter fortalte meg_ (2003)
- _North of Hell:An Oral History of the Bloody Battle of Hue (februar-mars 1968)_ (2005)
- _Inferno in the Jungle:The 173d Airborne Brigade sommeren 1968_ (2008)
- _Marine Sniper 93 Confirmed Kills_ (2012)
- _American Victory:Lessons and Legacies_ (2017)
- _A Time Of Honor:The Vietnam War_ (1997)