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Hvordan skriver du en sitert side om Michael Jackson?

Michael Jackson

* "Mann i speilet." Thriller. Epic Records, 1982.

* "Billie Jean." Thriller. Epic Records, 1982.

* "Thriller." Thriller. Epic Records, 1984.

* "Beat It." Thriller. Epic Records, 1982.

* Dårlig. Epic Records, 1987.

* "Smooth Criminal." Dårlig. Epic Records, 1987.

* "Slik du får meg til å føle." Dårlig. Epic Records, 1987.

* Farlig. Epic Records, 1991.

* "Svart eller hvit." Farlig. Epic Records, 1991.

* "Heal the World." Farlig. Epic Records, 1991.

* HISTORY:Past, Present, and Future, Book I. Epic Records, 1995.

* "Jordsang." HISTORY:Past, Present, and Future, Book I. Epic Records, 1995.

* "De bryr seg ikke om oss." HISTORY:Past, Present, and Future, Book I. Epic Records, 1995.

* Blood on the Dance Floor:HIStory in the Mix. Epic Records, 1997.

* "Blod på dansegulvet." Blood on the Dance Floor:HISTORY in the Mix. Epic Records, 1997.

* "Morfin." Blood on the Dance Floor:HISTORY in the Mix. Epic Records, 1997.

* Uovervinnelig. Epic Records, 2001.

* "You Rock My World." Uovervinnelig. Epic Records, 2001.

* "Sommerfugler." Uovervinnelig. Epic Records, 2001.


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